Hello SD 163 Families. Please click on the link and read the letter regarding report cards: https://5il.co/282cl
12 months ago, SD163 Updates
Tonight is Light's On Afterschool in X-STEAM. The event is to call attention to the importance of afterschool programs for America's children, families, and communities. We celebrated with a "Taste of Measurement" where children made recipes using their math skills!
12 months ago, Ms. Valente
acorn donuts
acorn donuts
dirt cups
measuring for dirt cups
acorn donuts
measuring milk
Hello SD 163 Community. Please see the flyer for our BOE Meeting on Monday, October 23rd.
12 months ago, SD163 Updates
BOE Meeting 10-23
Tuesday, October 17th, is an Early Dismissal Day. Students will be served lunch and dismissed at 12:30PM. All bus riders will depart at 12:30pm. Pre-Kindergarteners with be dismissed at 10:45am. There will be no afternoon Pre-Kindergarten classes or X-STEAM.
about 1 year ago, SD163 Updates
Early Dismissal- October 17th
Added Date: Tuesday, October 24th, is an Early Dismissal Day. Students will be served lunch and dismissed at 12:30PM. All bus students will depart at 12:30pm. Pre-Kindergarteners with be dismissed at 10:45am. There will be no afternoon Pre-Kindergarten classes. or X-STEAM.
about 1 year ago, SD163 Updates
Early Dismissal- October 24th
We are so proud of our 7th AND 8th grade students for competing in their first dairy CDE tonight at Chicago Ag. High School.
about 1 year ago, Ms. Valente
dairy test
dairy tasting
cheese tasting
Our after-school X-STEAM students are working hard on their math fact fluency! Remember, we are back in session Wednesday, October 11th!
about 1 year ago, Ms. Valente
Fact Fluency Practice
Tic Tac Toe Math
Fluency Practice
Tic Tac Toe Math2
Tic Tac Toe Math3
Hello SD 163 Families, This is a reminder that all schools and district office resume regular hours tomorrow, October 10th.
about 1 year ago, SD163 Updates
Hello SD 163 Community. Please see the flyer details for our Special Session BOE Meeting on Tuesday, October 10th.
about 1 year ago, SD163 Updates
BOE Meeting
There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, October 9th. We will be observing Columbus Day. School and District office hours will resume Tuesday, October 10th.
about 1 year ago, SD163 Updates
Columbus Day-10/09
Hello SD 163 Community. Please see the flyer details for our Special Session BOE Meeting on Tuesday, October 10th.
about 1 year ago, SD163 Updates
BOE Meeting
Tomorrow is an 12:30 PM Early Dismissal and Parent/Teacher Conference (invitation Only). Please see flyer for more details!
about 1 year ago, SD163 Updates
PT Conference October 3rd
Institute Day- September 28th (NO SCHOOL)
about 1 year ago, SD163 Updates
Institute Day- September 28th (No School)
Hello SD 163 Community. Please see the flyer for our BOE Meeting on Monday, September 25th.
about 1 year ago, SD163 Updates
BOE Meeting 09/25/23
Hello SD 163 Community. Please see the flyer details for our BOE Meeting on Thursday, September 21st.
about 1 year ago, SD163 Updates
boe meeting September 21st
We are hiring!
about 1 year ago, Ericka Patterson
Hey Parents and Guardians! Teachers and staff want to communicate with you through Thrillshare Rooms! Download Thrillshare to access Rooms! See flyer for more information.
about 1 year ago, SD163 Updates
Thrillshare Rooms
BOE Special Session is cancelled for tonight.
about 1 year ago, SD163 Updates
BOE Meeting
Hey Parents and Guardians! Teachers and staff want to communicate with you through Thrillshare Rooms! Download Thrillshare to access Rooms! See flyer for more information.
about 1 year ago, SD163 Updates
Thrillshare Rooms
Good morning! Please see flyers regarding new and returning student registration.
about 1 year ago, SD163 Updates
Registration information in english
Registration information in spanish