Kindergarten online registration is now available.
10 months ago, SD163 Updates
Online Registration
Attached you will find important information regarding the Solar Eclipse event that will take place on Monday, April 8, 2024. Parent Letter:
10 months ago, SD163 Updates
Hello SD 163 Community. Please see the flyer for our Special Session BOE Meeting on Thursday, March 28th.
11 months ago, SD163 Updates
boe meeting
Hello SD 163 Community. Please see the flyer for our BOE Meeting on Monday, March 25th.
11 months ago, SD163 Updates
boe meeting
Hello, this is a reminder from School District 163. There is NO SCHOOL on Friday, March 29th and April 1st-5th for Spring Break. School hours will resume Monday, April 8th. Enjoy!
11 months ago, SD163 Updates
Hello SD 163 Families, Please see information about the upcoming Spring Festival!
11 months ago, Ms. Valente
Spring Festival Flyer
Hello SD 163 Families. There is NO SCHOOL Tuesday, March 19th which is Teacher Institute Day. Classes will resume Wednesday, March 20th.
11 months ago, SD163 Updates
Institute Day- March 12th (No School)
Hello SD 163 Community. Please see the flyer for our Special Session BOE Meeting on Monday, March 11th.
11 months ago, SD163 Updates
Special Session- March 11
Hello, this is a reminder from School District 163 that Tuesday, March 12th, is an early dismissal day. Students will be served lunch and dismissed at 12:30 p.m. Pre-Kindergarten will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m. All bus riders will depart at 12:30 p.m. There will be no afternoon Pre-Kindergarten classes or X-STEAM.
11 months ago, SD163 Updates
Early Dismissal- March 12th
Hello, this is a reminder from School District 163. There is NO SCHOOL on March 1st & 4th for Mid-Winter Break. School and District Office hours will resume Tuesday, March 5th. Enjoy!
12 months ago, SD163 Updates
mid winter break
Hello SD 163 Community. Please see the flyer for our Student Showcase and BOE Meeting on Monday, February 26th.
12 months ago, SD163 Updates
BOE Meeting
We are hiring at SD 163! Visit our website to apply now!
12 months ago, SD163 Updates
We're Hiring
Hello, this is a reminder from School District 163 that Tuesday, February 20th, is an early dismissal day. Students will be served lunch and dismissed at 12:30 p.m. Pre-Kindergarten will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m. All bus riders will depart at 12:30 p.m. There will be no afternoon Pre-Kindergarten classes or X-STEAM.
12 months ago, SD163 Updates
Early Dismissal- Feb 20th
Hello, SD 163 Families! This is a reminder there is no school on Monday, February 19th, in observance to Presidents' Day. School will resume Tuesday, February 20th, which is a 12:30 early release day.
12 months ago, SD163 Updates
Presidents' Day-  Feb 19th
Hello SD 163 Families! Please flyer for more details!
12 months ago, SD163 Updates
Lets glow day party
Hello, this is a reminder from School District 163 that Tuesday, February 20th, is an early dismissal day. Students will be served lunch and dismissed at 12:30 p.m. Pre-Kindergarten will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m. All bus riders will depart at 12:30 p.m. There will be no afternoon Pre-Kindergarten classes or X-STEAM.
about 1 year ago, SD163 Updates
Early Dismissal- Feb 20th
Hello, SD 163 Families! This is a reminder there is no school on Monday, February 19th, in observance to Presidents' Day. School will resume Tuesday, February 20th, which is a 12:30 early release day.
about 1 year ago, SD163 Updates
Presidents' Day
Congratulations to Alex Evbie, our District Spelling Bee winner! Great job to all participants!
about 1 year ago, Ms. Valente
Spelling Bee Participants
Spelling Bee Winner
Hello, this is a reminder from School District 163 that Tuesday, February 6th, is an early dismissal day. Students will be served lunch and dismissed at 12:30 p.m. Pre-Kindergarten will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m. All bus riders will depart at 12:30 p.m. There will be no afternoon Pre-Kindergarten classes or X-STEAM.
about 1 year ago, SD163 Updates
Early Dismissal- Feb 6th
Mrs. Cooney and District 163 have their first ever drone team competing today at Michelle Obama in the District 227 competition! Go Patriots!
about 1 year ago, Ms. Valente
drone competition
drone competition
drone competition
drone competition
drone competition